
Welcome to the Petals Worldwide Members site.

Petals Worldwide Members site

This site is for partner international relay services.

This site is a collection of information and resources for the exchange of bulk flower orders between agents in various countries.

Want more information about joining Petals Network? Visit our PetalsNet website.

Why is Petals Network your best choice when sending your international and surplus orders?

  • Rather than trying to put together your own network of international suppliers, outsource this complex and time-consuming task to Petals WorldWide (PWW)
  • PWW was founded in 1992 so we have some 17 years of experience in international order transfer.  We provide the same type of service as the international networks of Interflora and Teleflora - except we service independent relay services 
  • We have access to over 20,000 florists in over 70 different countries around the world,
  • We can provide you with a secure, easy to use online trading area that will help you save time and money,
  • We offer online ordering and messaging 24 hours a day, 7 day a week, 365 day a year. No more waiting for those faxes to be received at the other end. We have it all automated,
  • We provide all this and more for one low cost of 4.00EURO per order.